The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Presentation Abstract

Wellness or a lack of wellness can have a significant impact on the academic success of students. This presentation will introduce participants to SAMHSA’s 8 Dimensions of Wellness model. After briefly learning about the model, participants will have an opportunity to participate in an interactive activity around wellness. Students will identify a dimension of wellness that they are doing well in, an area in which they would like to improve, and they will set an action step to work on improving their wellness. Additionally, the presentation will review available resources on campus to assist students in improving their wellness.

First Year Florida Learning Outcomes
Presentation Learning Outcomes

1. Identify SAMHSA’s 8 Dimensions of Wellness Model.
2. Describe how the 8 Dimensions connect to everyday life.
3. Formulate an action step to improve their wellness.
4. Identify various health resources on campus that are available to them.

Presentation Outline

I. Introduce GatorWell.
II. Describe the 8 Dimensions of Wellness Model
III. Activity: Pick a Dimension
a. Based on a scenario which dimensions could fit?
b. Group discussion
IV. Activity: Self-reflection
a. Area of strength
b. Area of improvement
c. Set an action step to work on improving your wellness
V. Using your resources to improve your wellness
VI. Conclusion

Presentation Length45 minutes
Presenter Training

The presentation was created by Health Promotion Specialists from the GatorWell office all of whom hold Master level degrees in health education, public health, or other related fields. The graduate student responsible for presenting holds a Bachelor level degree in public health, health education, or related field and has been trained by Health Promotion Specialists for presentation work.

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